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Who is Melchizedek?

Melchizedek is a mysterious character who shows up once and never resurfaces. Who is he? Scholars have debated this for centuries...

Blog Posts

Slavery in the Bible: Philemon

What does the New Testament really say about slavery? Does the Bible condone it? How are we to approach this topic in a way that...

The Cost of Discipleship

Is Salvation a free gift? Does Jesus require something from those who choose to follow Him? Can these two perspectives be reconciled?...

Good Bible Interpretation

What is the proper way to interpret Scripture? Can we know what it means? Good study techniques can help us come to a true understanding...

The Euthyphro Dilemma

Why is something good? Is it because God declares it or does God declare it because it's good? How do we deal with this objection?...

Does The New Testament Claim Jesus is God?

Was Jesus just a good man or a prophet? Or does the Bible tell a different story about Him. Did Jesus claim to be God...

Why Would God Allow Evil in the World?

Have you ever questioned why a good God would allow Evil to exist in the world? The answers might surprise you...

The Abrahamic Covenant and its Connection to New Testament Believers

The promises God made to Abraham were an important foundation for what God would do through the Law of Moses and His Son, Jesus Christ...


If God loves us, would He send any of us to Hell? How do we reconcile these two truths?...

The Moral Argument for God

What is morality? Where does it come from? Can there be objective morality without God? What is the moral argument for God?...

Is the Bible Still Relevant?

This post explains how we should view Scripture with a focus on how Jesus viewed Scripture...

The Roman Road to Salvation

Why do we need Jesus? How does one get saved? The Roman Road to Salvation has the answer...

What is the Gospel?

Is the gospel how we FEEL about Jesus? Or something else? We will use the Scriptures to find the true definition of the Gospel of...