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Who is Melchizedek?

Melchizedek is a mysterious character who shows up once and never resurfaces. Who is he? Scholars have debated this for centuries...

Blog Posts

Faith vs Works: Paul vs James

Are we saved through faith, by works, or some combination of the two? Many debate this and at the center are Paul and James. Do...

Finding Peace Through God

How do we find Peace in a world full of suffering? How can we have joy in suffering? The hope we have Christ Jesus is...

Christianity and The Law of Moses

Does the Law of Moses still apply to Christians? Can we disregard the whole Old Testament? What is the relationship between the OT and the...

Transformational Christianity

Christianity isn't just about being a little better person than we were. It is being transformed by the power of Holy Spirit...

For A Child Will Be Born for us

“For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us...He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince...


The world is about to change, and Mary is at the center of it. Her response to the call of God is a sermon for...

The NT Part 2: Selection Criteria

What criteria were used to determine what books would be in the New Testament? Take a closer look at the process of canonization...

The New Testament Part 1: Assembly

Ever wonder how the books comprising the New Testament became part of the Bible? Did the church select them for its own political gain?...

The NT and the Council of Nicaea

Was the New Testament Canon and Divinity of Jesus invented by Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD? Or is there more to...

Happy Thanksgiving: A Grateful Heart

Happy Thanksgiving! This is a time to be grateful for good food, wonderful friends, and a loving family. Give thanks always!...

Why the Tree of Knowledge?

Have you ever wondered why God put the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden? Why was eating from it...


What is the Fall of man? Where did our sin originally come from? Why is the world broken and in need of a savior? We...