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More Sayings Not Found in the Bible

Is money the root of all evil? What does the Bible say about Cleanliness being next go Godliness? Let's explore these sayings...

4 Common Sayings Not in the Bible

Does the Bible teach moderation in all things? Does God give you more than you can handle? Are these saying even Biblical?...

Who is the ‘Angel of the Lord’

Who is the Angel of the Lord so frequently seen in the Old Testament? Is he just another angel or is He the Almighty God?...

5 Things Not Proven by Science

Is Science the only way that we gain knowledge? Can everything that exists be explained using the Scientific Method? No, There is more to life...

6 Miracles Atheists Believe

Is the Atheist position the logical and scientific view? It turns out that Atheists rely on miracles and faith as much as their religious counterparts...

How Do We Define Sin?

We talk a lot about religion and sin. But how exactly do we define sin and who gets to define it? Why does God call...

Jesus: The Son of man

What does Jesus mean when He calls Himself the "Son of Man"? Is this a divine title or a human one? Let's explore what's in...

The New Testament Part 1: Assembly

Ever wonder how the books comprising the New Testament became part of the Bible? Did the church select them for its own political gain?...

The NT and the Council of Nicaea

Was the New Testament Canon and Divinity of Jesus invented by Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD? Or is there more to...

Why the Tree of Knowledge?

Have you ever wondered why God put the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden? Why was eating from it...

Slavery in the Bible: Philemon

What does the New Testament really say about slavery? Does the Bible condone it? How are we to approach this topic in a way that...

The Euthyphro Dilemma

Why is something good? Is it because God declares it or does God declare it because it's good? How do we deal with this objection?...