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The Creation of Man

The masterpiece of God's creation was mankind. This is evident by the detailed narrative of how He created us in His image...

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Creation Series – The Fossil Record

Did the Great Flood of the Bible really happen? Is there any evidence? Does the theory of evolution really best explain the fossil record that...

Creation vs. Evolution

Is the creation account in Genesis meant to be taken literally? Or is it just a myth or poetry. Does Evolution really provide all the...

3 Misunderstood Bible Passages

There are some Bible passages that are commonly misinterpreted and/or misused. How can we keep ourselves from falling into this trap?...

Who is Melchizedek?

Melchizedek is a mysterious character who shows up once and never resurfaces. Who is he? Scholars have debated this for centuries...

More Sayings Not Found in the Bible

Is money the root of all evil? What does the Bible say about Cleanliness being next go Godliness? Let's explore these sayings...

4 Common Sayings Not in the Bible

Does the Bible teach moderation in all things? Does God give you more than you can handle? Are these saying even Biblical?...

Who is the ‘Angel of the Lord’

Who is the Angel of the Lord so frequently seen in the Old Testament? Is he just another angel or is He the Almighty God?...

SEU Mission Trip To Malawi, Africa

Journey with Madison Johnson to Malawi, Africa. Here she learned about the people and worked with a local church to spread the gospel of Jesus...

SEU Mission Trip To Iceland

Madison Johnson traveled to Iceland for her school missions. There she helped with construction and worked to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the...

Being A Contagious Christian

Is it necessary for Christians to share our faith? If so, Why? Here we take a closer look at what Jesus requires of His followers...

5 Things Not Proven by Science

Is Science the only way that we gain knowledge? Can everything that exists be explained using the Scientific Method? No, There is more to life...

6 Miracles Atheists Believe

Is the Atheist position the logical and scientific view? It turns out that Atheists rely on miracles and faith as much as their religious counterparts...