In Paul’s letter to the Philippian church, he addressed issues in the church involving false teachers, Christian living, and unity in the church. He ends the letter, as he typically does, with a benediction. In this case he gives final instruction and counsel, final greetings, and encouragement. In one of his final statements of instruction to the Philippians, he encourages them to have joy and peace through God.
Philippians 4:4-9
At the start of this passage Paul tells them to “Rejoice”. Now, Paul had given them a lot of love in this letter, but he had also exposed difficulties in the congregation, and he had given them some tough correction. Yet he still called them to rejoice in the Lord. Paul was like a parent to these churches. We discipline our children out of love and then we give them a great big ol’ hug to let them know that we still love them. This was typical in Paul’s letters.
We, too, are to rejoice in the Lord always. This isn’t always easy because of the difficulties and hardships of life. But Paul tells us in Romans 5:3 to rejoice in suffering and James 1:2-3 to count it joy when you meet trials because this produces endurance in us. Suffering isn’t fun nor is it easy. Nevertheless, we are called to have joy despite our suffering.
Joy vs. Happiness
This seems like a strange thing to say. How do we have joy in suffering? To understand this, we must understand the difference between JOY and HAPPINESS. Biblical Joy and happiness are not the same thing. Happiness is an emotion based in your environment, your preferences, and the release of chemicals in you brain. It can come and go just like other emotions like anger and sadness. Yet happiness is something that we tend to focus on in our lives. It’s what we are usually referring to when we tell people how we are.
Joy Is…
Joy, on the other hand, is not a fleeting emotion. It’s a permanent state that is based on HOPE. This hope is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Joy is knowing that we are destined to be eternally in the presence of the Lord. No matter what life throws at you, you know it can’t separate you from the Love that Jesus has for you.
Our suffering and difficulties in this life are only temporary. Of course, we aren’t happy with cancer, heart failure, financial problems, or losing a job. But we can still have joy in the midst of these because we have the eternal hope in Him who has conquered all of these and will one day wipe away all of our pain and all of our tears.
Prosperity Preachers
Those who preach and teach what we call a prosperity gospel are equating God’s love to your happiness. They often teach that if you do these certain things or give enough money in the collection plate that you will please God. He will love you and bless you with health, wealth, and happiness, in this life. They tickle your ears with what you want to hear so they can gain fame and separate you from your money (2 Tim. 4:3). The danger of this teaching is that if you aren’t happy or you aren’t prosperous enough at this moment, then you must not have done enough or given enough to please God.
Prosperity Preaching is Dangerous
This is very dangerous theology. God doesn’t promise us health, wealth, or an easy life. Nor does He promise that nothing bad will ever happen to us. The reality is that we don’t live in paradise anymore. We gave that up in the Garden of Eden when we chose to go our own way apart from God’s will.
These preachers are setting you up for disappointment because when something bad happens, someone gets sick, or you are in an accident this prosperity world is turned upside down. This false God that they are presenting to you will inevitably fail. But I’m here to tell you that my God never fails! He is a God of love and peace. God won’t always take away our pain in this life, but He will stay with us, strengthen us, and comfort us in the midst of it. He promised us He will be with us always, and God always honors his promises.
God Doesn’t Desire Our Suffering
God doesn’t desire that we suffer any more than a parent desires that their child suffer. However, when we rejected God’s definition of right and wrong to attempt to become a god unto ourselves and set our own definition of right and wrong, we not only damaged our relationship with God and our relationships with one another, but we also infected His perfect creation with the blackness of sin. We now live in a broken and fallen world where bad things happen and death reigns (Rom. 8:20-22).
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Although Jesus conquered sin and death at the cross, He hasn’t yet fully ushered in His kingdom where there will be no more crying and no more pain. He has patiently delayed His return while He continues to pursue us, or as Christian Apologist Dr. Frank Turek says, “keeps sending us cards and flowers” in an attempt to get our attention so that we might turn, accept Him, and join Him in His kingdom.
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God’s peace can fill our hearts and our souls so that we no longer have to be filled with worry. In fact, Jesus tells us not to worry. He says in Matthew 6:25, “…Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes…” It is the joy that we get through God’s peace that allows us to be without anxiety. Worrying is not of God. Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.”
When we take on God’s peace and lay down our fear and anxiety, we can let go and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. It is His work that allows others to see our gentleness. Christians often don’t realize that when we go through difficult times, others are watching to see how we respond. This may not seem fair, but it is a reality. This is “where the rubber meets the road” …where we are tested. Our reactions often influence their view of God and the value of this thing we call Christianity. Remember, the only thing that some people will know about Jesus is what they see in you & me.
Our Reaction – Prayer
Our reactions to difficulties should always begin with prayer. Isn’t it great that we can always go to God in prayer, asking for what we need and desire? In fact, He wants us to come to Him… to lean and depend on Him. Psalm 55:22 says to “cast your burdens on the Lord, and He will sustain you.
Core Message
The core message that Paul is communicating here isn’t that you will always be happy or that bad things will never happen to you. It is the hope in the knowledge that God will always be with you. His presence will be made known to us if we sincerely seek Him. He will give us peace and the power to focus, not on our troubles, but on what is right, and pure and lovely, and admirable and excellent.
Give Yourself to God
Give yourself fully to the Lord in spirit and in prayer so that His Holy Spirit will sustain you with the hope that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Accept His peace and joy today. Remember, our temporary suffering cannot overshadow the hope that we have in Christ Jesus. But, through the power of the Holy Spirit, it can produce perseverance in us that shines a light into this dark world and that helps to prepare us for the next.